June 1945

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1 June 1945
Work in connection with repairing of badly damaged RR Bridge across the Danube at Regensburg and the laying of water mains comprised the more important tasks of "A" Company. Many P.W.'s were used. "B" Company and "C" Company continued in same work. Supplying water to Regensburg and P.W.'s in vicinity and the repair of sewerage system head list of major problems at moment. The disruption was caused by our earlier bombing raids and by the latter blowing of bridges by SS Troopers.

2 June 1945
"A" Company engaged in some tasks at Regensburg. "B" & "C" Companies continued at Straubing. The second group left for the States headed Captain Doyle.

3 June 1945
Group announced that only emergency jobs would be done on Sunday from now on. The necessary maintenance of the two Treadway Bridges on the Danube River at Straubing was done by ½ Squad from "C" Company. All others had the day off. The first of a series of recreational trips went to Nurnberg. There was one truck from each company. In addition to the sight seeing they attended a concert at the Stadium featuring Grace Moore and Nino Martini.

4 June 1945
"A" Company had one squad assigned to repairing of RR Bridge in Regensburg. This is a big job and about 6% completed. In addition men were laying water main, procuring plumbing supplies, hauling for crusher operations, hauling materials for repair of I&E School and repairing roads. Operation of saw-mill and rock quarry took 1 ½ Squads of "B" Company. All others were engaged in construction of 549' fixed bridge across the Danube River at Straubing. This is now 40% completed. "C" Company, one squad between operations of two saw-mills and clearing demolished bridge debris. The other men were busy at their 514' 6" fixed bridge which is now 33% completed. The Personnel Officer announced that we are eligible for the newly announced campaign stars. This gives us a total of five.

5 June 1945
All companies continued in same operations. Preparation of Battalion history is nearing completion. Not only are all notes if interest included, but carefully chosen photographs make for excellent illustration. It is planned that all members of this unit, present and past will be presented with a copy.

6 June 1945
D + 365. The battalion assignments remained the same. Here in Regensburg the concentration of effort for "A" Company is on pipe lines, sewers and roads. Two additional Treadway bridges have been assigned to us for maintenance. "B" Company was given the one at Eengilfing and "C" Company the one at Landau.

7 June 1945
Except for additional of the maintenance of the bridges at Dengolfing and Landau the Battalion work in progress remained untouched. There are some 17 separate jobs assignments at this time. The "A" Co. and H&S Co. billets are now in good state of repair with beds for all men and adequate furniture. Kitchen facilities are good with pleasant dining halls adjoining. We have had benefits of electricity right along but as yet the only source of water is from tanks mounted on pole type trailers and brought to area from water points. "B" & "C" Companies remain at Straubing near sites of their fixed bridges construction.

8 June 1945
"A" Company was engaged in the following tasks. ½ Squad as security for an Engineer dump at Frucht, 1 Squad on stockpiling and road materials at Duerrling, Regensburg and Pfatter, 2 Squads repairing RR Bridge and hauling materials at Regensburg, 1 Squad laying water main, 2 Squads on road repair, 1 Squad on repair of billets and area, ½ Squad on I&E School repair, ½ Squad on repair of Regensburg bridge, water main, and ½ Squad maintaining Treadway Bridge at Kelheim. "B" Company had ½ Squad operating saw-mill near Worth. ½ Squad operating rock quarry, near Straubing, 1 Squad maintaining Treadway Bridges at Dingolfing, and Landau, all other men on construction of their 549' fixed Bridge on the Danube River at Straubing. This is now 58% completed. The disposition of men from "C" Company was ½ Squad who completed approach road to Enemy Ordnance depot at Straubing, ½ Squad operating two saw-mills near Laderweinting, ½ Squad clearing bridge debris, ½ Squad maintaining the two Treadway bridges and all other men were on the construction of 514' 6" fixed bridge at Straubing. This is now 48% completed.

9 June 1945
All companies continued on same jobs. 1700 P.W.'s being used on Battalion jobs. Recreational facilities are improving all the time. A ball field is available in area and arrangements for basketball are being completed in a suitable building. What was an arena is now converted to a theater that is capable of handling its usual large attendance. Movies and shows are presented almost nightly. In the city two civilian theaters are now operated by the Fourth Special Service for troops in this area. Just west of Regensburg a section of beach along the Danube River was being reserved for troops only. A day room has been set aside in H&S Barracks where books & magazines are available. We are gradually reaping the many benefits as well as the disadvantages of Garrison Life.

10 June 1945
Only necessary work was done today. "A" Company had 2 ½ Squads for four jobs hauling lumber to Regensburg dump. I&E School repair, maintain Treadway bridge at Kelheim, and security for Engineer dumps at Feucht. "B" Co. used 2 Squads for maintenance of Treadway bridges at Landau and Dingolfing. "C" Company had ½ Squad hauling tools to Regensburg dump. The second recreational trip proved interesting and pleasant. Munich was the choice for today.

11 June 1945
Effective 0800 hours we were officially assigned to 1137th Engineer Combat Group. "A" Company had 11 assignments but water supply, sewers and roads are the priority jobs. 505 P.W.'s were used. "B" Company had 2 platoons and 150 P.W.'s on their fixed bridge construction at Straubing. The other min were operating a saw mill, a rock quarry and maintaining the 2 Treadway bridges at Straubing. "C" Company had 150 P.W.'s at their Fixed bridge. The company also operated 2 saw mills, maintained Treadway bridges at Dingolfing and Landau, cleared bridge debris near their construction site, and hauled spikes to the Engineer Dump at Regensburg.

12 June 1945
All companies continued same operations. 985 P.W.'s were employed on Battalion jobs. 900 P.W.'s were turned over to Military Government for Public Works.

13 June 1945
The emphasis is still on water supply and sewers for "A" Company and the Fixed bridges for "B" and "C" Companies. A total of 900 P.W.'s were used.

14 June 1945
"A" Company continued providing security for the Engr. dump, maintaining Treadway bridge, repairing & I&E School, repairing roads out of Regensburg, hauling pipe & fittings, constructing recreation pier on Danube River. 815 P.W.'s were used on these jobs. "B" Company operated saw mill & Rock quarry, maintained 2 Treadway bridges & worked on construction of their 549' Fixed bridge on the Danube River at Straubing. This is now 75% Completed. 150 P.W.'s were used. "C" Company, operated 2 saw mills, maintained 2 Treadway bridges, cleared bridge debris, and constructed their 514' 6" fixed bridge on the Danube River at Straubing. This is now 58% complete. 150 P.W.'s were used.

15 June 1945
"A" Company was relieved of maintenance of Treadway bridge at Kelheim & "B" Company of bridge at Landau. "A" Company was given repair work at 101 Evac. Hosp. & use of 25 P.W.'s. All other work continued as assigned with total of 1000 P.W.'s employed.

16 June 1945
All assignments remained the same, however, only 650 P.W.'s were used

17 June 1945
As many men as possible were given the day off. "A" Company had total of 2 ½ Squads out on Security of Engineer sump, I&E School repair, RR bridge repair, and construction at Recreation pier. "B" Company needed 2 squads to operate rock quarry and saw mill, and to maintain Treadway bridge. Two squads from "C" Company operated saw mills, maintained Treadway bridges, and cleared Bridge Debris. No P.W.'s were used on these jobs.

18 June 1945
A small group of men left for U.S.A. by air this morning headed by T/4 Castle. This makes his second trip west this year. The jobs in and around Regensburg continue to occupy "A" Company. "B" and "C" Companies are expending their main efforts in bridging the Danube River at Straubing. To assist in jobs within the area, H&S Company employed some 30 P.W.'s each day. Feeding these men constitutes the main problem. They are supplied breakfast and supper at the enclosure, but mid day meal is our responsibility.

19 June 1945
The same distribution of jobs remained effective. Special progress being made on "B" Companies 549' Fixed Bridge across the Danube River at Straubing. Now 92% Complete.

20 June 1945
"A" Company provided security at Engineer Dump at Raucht, maintained battalion area and prepared roads at Regensburg, die repair work at I&E School and RR Bridge, also worked at recreation field. The second platoon of "B" Company moved to Viechtach for road maintenance and construction of athletic fields. Seven guards were supplied for P.W. pen and 1 Squad maintained Treadway bridge. All others were engaged in construction of fixed bridge. Two platoons from "C" Company worked on fixed bridge construction. The 3rd Platoon was split up for maintenance of two Treadway bridges, operation of two saw mills, guarding P.W. cage and maintaining detour in Straubing. Also road maintenance was assigned from Aterhofen to Strasskirchon.

21 June 1945
"A" Company was engaged in 10 separate assignments with 715 P.W.'s being used. "B" Company completed flooring of their fixed bridge and laid 50' of walkway, also 52 loads of rock were loaded to complete the 200' of approach road. "C" Company worked on their fixed bridge.

22 June 1945
The Battalion operations continued with "A" Company assigned many jobs in Regensburg Area and "B" & "C" Companies engaged in bridge construction at Straubing, 1000 P.W.'s were used in all with 300 of these on RR Bridge in Regensburg.

23 June 1945
The jobs for "A" Company remain many and varied in the vicinity of Regensburg. "B" Company nearing completion of their fixed bridge with floor completely nailed and all of sub grade laid on approaches. In addition to bridge construction "C" Company maintained road from Aterhofen to Strasskirchon. Some 250 civilians as well as 1000 P.W.'s came under Battalion supervision.

24 June 1945
Several operations continue today even though Sunday. Hauling road materials by vehicles too busy during the week constituted one of the principle jobs. The XII Corps recreation park on the Danube had its opening program today. "A" Company had constructed the pier and completed many other jobs of preparation. H&S Company supplied two min who lettered many of the signs designating boating, swimming, games and refreshments, etc.

25 June 1945
The repair work at the I&E School, one of "A" companies jobs, is now some 62% complete. 50 P.W.'s and 12 civilians are being used on this work with our men simply hauling materials and guarding the P.W.'s. "B" Company Bridge is now complete except for hand rails and concrete caps on 7 cribs. Also the top finish is needed on the approach roads. Even the "C" Company had 5 jobs absorbing ½ of the men work progressed on the Fixed Bridge very satisfactorily.

26 June 1945
"A" Company continues in full swing on their assignments while "B" Company reports completion of bridge and "C" Company indicates completion about July 6 1945.

27 June 1945
Road work now absorbs the majority of "A" Companies men, however, the 5 repair and construction jobs are progressing right on schedule. "B" Company reports completion of Air Strip for 255th FA Battalion at Vietuch, Athletic field for 177th FA Group at Reding, and loading ramps for 182nd FA Group for end loading on flat bed RR Cars. "C" Company furthered completion on their bridge and continued road maintenance. Saw mill operation and guarding P.W. Cage.

28 June 1945
"A" Company continues on all its assignment while "B" Company reports completion of loading ramps for the 182 FA. Group and continues work on approach roads to the bridge, and makes preparation to put concrete caps on cribs. "C" Company continues on their bridge and maintains of Treadway bridges, detours saw mills, and security of P.W. Cage.

29 June 1945
"A" Company continues on its Regensburg Assignments and takes over the job of hauling I Beams from RR Siding at Bent Basin to Engineer Dump No. 49. "B" Company relieved "C" Company on maintaining two Treadway bridges at Straubing and continued to work bridge approaches and cribs. "C" Company working regularly assignments. H&S Company demolition crew completed destruction of a chimney and started to remove a bridge span from River at Donaustauf. Also three dozers are out working on Farm Filling craters.

30 June 1945
"A" Company was kept bust in maintaining Battalion area, preparing RR Bridge, fixing roads in Regensburg and vicinity, repairing Corps I&E School, and constructing a Corps Recreation park on the Danube River. Some of "A" Companies personnel was also utilized in hauling I Beams. There is hardly a place in Regensburg, these days, where you can't find and "A" Company detail of men hard at work. The operation of a rock quarry, maintenance of three Treadway bridges, repair roads in the Straubing area, and the construction of and approach to "B" Company's bridge consists of the assignments for "B" Company today. "B" Companies bridge at Straubing is one that the Battalion can be proud of. Plans are in the making for a company party to be held tomorrow. "C" Company worked at its assignment of repairing roads, operating a saw mill, maintaining a road detour, securing a P.W. cage and construction of the fixed bridge. The fixed bridge is 85% completed and is the pride and joy of Captain Helstrom and his company. H&S Company had T/4 Dwelly, ace demolition man, alias Mouldin, removing a bridge span from the river at Donaustauf 3 Dozers were also working filling craters. S/4 has two water points in operation. S-1 is busy with a new list of min to be transferred to other Battalion assigned to the C.B.I. Category IV isn't making the 150th boys very happy.

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