July - Aug 15 1945

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1 July 1945
The many odd jobs around Regensburg kept "A" Company busy and added to Captain McGlincheys many headaches. The captain has a hard time keeping track of his company these days with 1 Squad repairing RR Bridge, and ½ Squad securing and Engineer dump, and another ½ Squad working at Corps I&E School. The rest of "A" Company was held in reserve to carry out last minute rush assignments. "B" Company kept 1 ½ Squads maintaining the Treadway Bridges at Straubing. The rest of the company spent the day cleaning equipment and enjoying a Sunday as well as a Sunday can be enjoyed while in Germany. "C" Company detailed a squad for security of P.W. cage. 1 Squad worked on "C" Company fixed bridge at Straubing. Although it was Sunday, work was enjoyable an the river for the river banks were covered with German fraulines in Sunday dress and swimsuits. H&S Company continued operations. Most of the min managed to have the day to themselves. Passes were issued to Regensburg. The sections held work down to a minimum although S-1 was busy with a now list of men for transfer.

2 July 1945
The Battalion continued work on the same assignments as on the 1st of July. The men being transferred to the 285th ans 133rd Engineer Combat Battalions left this morning. Rumors concerning the transfer of the men remaining under 80 points are running over the Battalion.

3 July 1945
"A" Company, in addition to its regular assignments, hauled paint to the Corps Engineer Dump, and started clearing the Corps Dkasserene. The remaining companies, "B" and "C" and H&S continued work on assignments previously assigned them.

4 July 1945
H&S Co. Everyone is sweating these days, the old gang is being busted up and 85'ers are moving in for redeployment.

"A" Co. Carries on to get the I&E School ready for operations. Along with hauling I Beams and keeping roads passable to complete bridges now under construction by this Battalion on the Danube River. "B" Company is on the job operating a rock quarry and keeping material on hand for construction of roads and bridges. The big job for "C" Company is guarding P.W. cages, operating two sawmills and constructing a fixed bridge. Bridge building is an art for this company.

5 July 1945
Hangover from 4th of July celebration, the pleasure bent on Billy Rose Show and the Red Cross Dunk Shop.

H&S Company has a bull dozer filling craters for farmers so that food can be raised to prevent starvation this winter for the German race. "A" Company repairing Railroad Bridges blown by retreating Germans across the Danube River. Also clearing Corps Kaserne. "B" Company always on the job keeping bridge approaches in shape and repairing roads. "C" Company maintaining detour until bridge in which they are building is complete.

6 July 1945
H&S Company. The changing every two or three days of men coming and going keep everyone on the ball. The usual job filling craters and today we set up a water point in a brewary to provide potable water. "A" Company hauling paint and security of Engineer Dump was complete today. Maintaining roads and repairing bridges continued. "B" Company repairing of bridge approaches was continued. The work on billets was completed.

"C" Company continues with bridge building and operating their sawmills putting out plenty of lumber for all purposes.

7 July 1945
H&S Co. Finding material is quite a job for the Reconnaissance these days and they are still on the job filling craters. "A" Company. The I&E School is almost completed, work on RR Bridge continues. Clearing up Corps. Kaserne is quite a job after bombs went through. "B" Company constructing bridge approaches and maintaining roads and that is an all time job in itself. "C" Company operates its sawmills and continues on the bridge which is all under way 91% complete.

8 July 1945
H&S Co. The water point in the Brewary was discontinued today, and being Sunday the boys are hard to find with the recreation park so near, swimming & and boating in the Danube River. "A" Company takes their turn at guarding Engineer Dumps, Care and Cleaning of Equipment. "B" Company also cleaning equipment, repairing roads. The boys take their turn at working Sundays. "C" Company at their old stand, "Security of P.W. Cage". Care and Cleaning of Equipment.

9 July 1945
Making changes in names and faces from day to day keep you looking for someone and you never know who it is. Filling craters continues. "A" Company, the usual work on the RR Bridge and cleaning up Corps Kaserne. "B" Company repairing Artillery Kaserne, and at this time they are removing a bridge Span from the Danube River. Road Repair Continues. "C" Company operating rock crater, two sawmills and constructing fixed bridge.

10 July 1945
H&S Company, losing our First Sergeant today to a light Equipment Company was quite a surprise but soon Sergeant Jaynes takes over and every thing is running smooth at present. Filling craters continues. "A" Co. Continues repairing roads, fixing bridges, and odds and ends that come up from day to day. "B" Co. taking bridge span from Danube River, maintaining roads and cleaning up Corps Kaserne. "C" Company constructing bridge, operating sawmills and making gravel to repair roads.

11 July to 15 August 1945
H&S Company, Redeployment is shaping up. Squads, Platoons and Companies growing smaller each week. We have managed to keep in operations and do everything possible to put out the work. Most jobs are continuous from the 10th of July thru August 15. One water point in operations filling craters, and odds and ends that might come up. 16 men left on the 7th of August for the 17th Replacement Center at Nurenburg. H&S now has heavy equipment pool taken over from the 166th Engr. 14 August all the world at peace once more. "A" Co. repairing roads and RR Bridges for supply lines. With other small jobs of setting flag poles, clearing Corps Kaserne makes an all time job for three rather platoons. Most work will continue on the same through 11th July to 15 August 1945. "B" Company, 11 July to 15 August repairing roads, repairing Corps. Kaserne. They are now building Barracks and Building Bridges at Grafenwohr Germany. "C" Company. Operating two sawmills with all the P.W. Camps going up has turned out to be quite a job. Driving fender piling, building ice cribs. Also at present filling dyke where bridge had been put across the Danube River for crossing of troops. Most of these jobs will be continuous from 11 July 1945 to 15 August 1945.

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