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April 8, 1945
Dear Mom and Dad,

To everyone's surprise nothing happened like it was suppose to, everything went off like clock work. Only thing that hampered us was dive-bombing and buzzing of us, and bridge. Which wasn't very nice of the Germans', we shot down a few of them also. One time there I thought the world had blown to pieces, my mistake only a 500 pounder. Not bad just throws dirt all around that's all, nothing to worry about. Only thing is that I was scared half out of my head. You know these helmets we have? Well, can you picture my whole body, including my shoes too, under it? Well, I did it or a reasonable facsimile. What a job too. Before I moved got with the convoy I took pictures of my truck loaded with the boat so when I get that film back I'll send it to you and in that way it will give you a better idea. Right? I also took pictures of the bridge, but I don't think it will come out because of the smoke screen around it. Anyway I made the try. Also I took pictures of the bridge under construction and under fire (boys running for their holes) After snapping that one I almost broke my neck trying to get to a hole fast enough, and at the same time trying not to break the camera. Can you picture that one?

To answer your question about hot food I can write a page. First of all when we were back from here we got class "B" rations. Which consists of hot food for three meals. We get "class B" as often as our trucks can reach the dump overnight, but when we can't get class "B" we get "class C" which consists of two hot meals a day ( breakfast and supper) Then when we have a job where the chow can't get to us very easily we take "k" ration. But that only lasts for two or three meals.

Then the chow, by that time can reach us then we get hot food until finished. Understand now?

Class-A ration- Food which we got back in the states, everything

Class-B ration- A lot like A but smaller quantities, like sugar, and meat, etc.

Class-C ration- Comes in boxes with meat in cans jam, coffee, sugar, peas, corn, cookies, cereal, each box is supposed to feed 10 men. Also, there is the can's of C ration which you all-ready know about.

"K ration" You know what that is so I won't go into it.

"O ration" Nothing at all (That's a good one)

That's swell about what your doing with the scrap book. I bet it's full to the brim. Oh, well, it will be something to remember when I'm home once again.

Sorry have to finish now, I tried to rush this letter but I didn't finish so I'll write again when I have time.

Did you get the pictures yet I sent to you? Hope so.

I'll write again soon, Bye now!

Love and more too,

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